Welcome to
Llama-zing Adventures!
We offer a unique opportunity to delve into the benefits of zootherapy with llamas, alpacas, horses, goats, camels, and more! Come see us to enjoy a farm tour, one of the scenic walks, or get in touch to see how we can add some flair to your next event!
About Us
Llama-zing Adventures is a 120-acre hobby farm, located in the small village of Saint-Andre LeBlanc, N.B.
It’s surrounded by a river, ponds and a short 10 min drive from beautiful sandy beaches (the warmest ocean water in Canada)!
The farm consists of horses, llamas, alpacas, emus and a camel.

Enhanced wellbeing
Llamas and alpacas are very friendly animals, and love walking by your side!

Family Friendly
Bring anybody you want: kids, grandparents, teenagers, etc. Everyone can have fun!

Good exercise
Enjoy a relaxing walk on the beach accompanied by our fluffy animals.

The joys of the great outdoors
New Brunswick has beautiful coastlines, and we’d love to show you around!
Join us on N.B. beautiful coastlines for
An adventures with Llamas/Alpacas by your side!
We’ll start with an intro to our animals and showing you how to interact with them. Once you’re matched with an animal, we’ll begin our excursion where you can take as many photos as you want. Once the walk completed, you’ll have the chance to feed your new friend.
They call me the Sass Queen because I like to give dirty looks. I used to guard a large herd of sheep at my old home, and even now, I still make sure that my family here is safe at all times. I prefer to hang out with the big guys, like Shamy and the horses, rather than my own kind.
I love to go for hikes and spend time in nature. That’s when I’m at my happiest. Mom says I’m not allowed to go off property anymore because I love to show our guests how strong and fast I really am. If they dare to let go, I turn the walk into a game of tag for a few hours, okay maybe days, and it stresses mom out. What can I say? I like things my own way. She still lets me go for walks on our huge property. She says I’m her prettiest girl!
Mom is right. You could call me Linda’s sidekick, because I’m always by her side. I look up to her so much but am told that I’m small for a llama. I love discovering new and challenging trails with my humans, and I’ve been to multiple different places in NB.
Most of the time I’m serious about my job but occasionally I have a funny side. If you stick your tongue out, you may get lucky and I’ll give you one back. Another cool trick I have, put your nose close to mine and I’ll breathe in very loudly. Mom thinks it’s so funny. I have a lot of energy, so my favourite is when mom brings me to daycares or schools. Every time we have a race, I win!
My mom thinks I’m almost 20 years old because of the condition on my teeth. I was really scared of everyone before but I’m finally getting better and accepting treats from people. Because of my age mom doesn’t bring me to bookings or walks but our team will bring me hiking once in a while and I love it.
When Luna gave birth to Paul, I was really delusional… Mommy said I stole him from birth and raised him as my own. But I think she’s the delusional one. Llamas can for sure give birth to alpacas. I even started producing milk to feed the baby. I love Paul so much that I never wanted to stop feeding him milk even though he’s turning 2 years old. Mom had to separate me from him for my milk supply to dry up. That was the worst month of my life. He’s the best thing that ever happened to me and I will protect him for lifed as mom thinks I was maybe supposed to have my own baby but never did.
Kevin and Dave’s brother. We all have the same dad, but our personalities are different. I’m the youngest one of the brothers. I’m very playful as well, and very sweet and cuddly. I would much rather go to events, get loved by people, and get treats than go hiking. I will still tag along for hikes sometimes and I’m a very good boy.
Mom thinks I waste all of my energy annoying my brothers and running around the pasture. I seem to always have a grumpy face but I think that’s just how I was born because I love people and cuddles. Especially when they bring treats, I don’t know what’s up with my brother Dave, he gets real sassy if we touch his body even if we’ve all had the same training. Me and my brother Kevin love to be petted all over.
I’m an almost three year old llama. I came here with my two brothers Dave and Max. We love to play “king of the manure pile”, which is a game where whoever gets to stay on top of it is the boss. My brothers and I are extremely playful and silly.
Mom says I’m the most handsome boy with a silly personality. When we go to events, I like to chug people’s drinks. I know I’m underaged but I’m very sneaky, and it tastes much better than water. Around Christmas time, mom has to be careful around Christmas lights. I love to try and eat the light bulbs; I think they look so pretty that they must taste good as well.
When people come to feed me treats. I’ll twist myself like a pretzel to try and get all the treats. I get too excited to stay still and wait like the pretty boy I am. I have lots of energy and I love to go for long hikes. I’m very fast as well.
Kevin and Max’s brother. I’m the oldest one of the brothers at three years old. I’m calmer than my brother Kevin. I will stand there for cuddles, and I am super sweet. I do, however, like to hold grudges if someone dares to touch my body. When mommy shaved me for the first time, I was mad at her for months. How dare she shave my beautiful wavy hair. I eventually forgave her because I now know that it was for my own good.
I love to go hiking and go to events. Mom says I’m a pretty versatile guy and I love the attention. Just like Kevin, I can also be playful.
I am a spunky 4-year-old alpaca with a whole lot of personality. From the moment I was born, I was curious and always getting into mischief. My sassy attitude was apparent early on and I have kept my owners on their toes ever since. One thing my sister and I have in common is our passion for food. I am incredibly food-driven and will do just about anything for a tasty treat. I will do the most atrocious and dramatic screams if any of my furry friends go near my food.
I also have a very playful side. I would play with Josée’s dog Reba for hours and I absolutely love to go for a swim. I will jump at any opportunity to splash around in the water! My humans even set up a small pool just for me so that I can indulge in my favourite activity whenever I’d like.
Pearl here, the diva of the herd. I may only be four years old, but I am very intelligent and let me tell you… I know how to make an entrance and steal the show! I love attention, cuddles, and I am always up for a photo op. I’m lazy until it comes to my biggest motivator, FOOD. When visiting, if you want to keep me happy and get the best selfie, bring over the snacks!
I’m about thirteen years old as well. I’m very sweet and calm, I have passed those traits on to Anna, my daughter! I’m very proud of how I raised her. Anna and Paul were born two weeks apart, and they have the same dad. I’m really good with small children as they usually walk at a slower pace, just how I like it, slow and steady. I’m good with everything, as long as no one tries to touch my head, I don’t know why, but it feels weird when people touch my afro. Other than touching my head, I’m very easygoing and I love to go for little walks and get treats.
Suzie, Steve, Carlos and I all came from the same place. I’m the most normal one out of the gang, but I love and tolerate my “special” siblings.
Steve’s best friend. We think I am a thirteen-year-old alpaca. I love going on walks, and I’m one of the fastest alpacas in the herd. I love talking. I’m always talking. I talk if I’m alone, with my friends, and even when we have company. When we were living in Haute Aboujagane, our barn was next to mom’s bedroom window, and I used to love giving her a wake-up call like a rooster. My voice is very deep, and some people mistake it for me being not impressed, trust me I sound very different when I’m not happy. But I swear I’m just a big, sweet cuddle bug.
Mom says I can be very dramatic. I don’t know what she means by that… I just scream like I’m dying and lay flat on the ground when she tries to shave my beautiful golden hair or cut my nails. She says I sound like screaming pigs.
I’ve been healing from an injury this winter that’s taking much longer to heal than anticipated. Mom’s not sure if I will ever be able to go hiking again, which makes me sad. I can still walk around with my friends in the pasture. I’m just a bit slower than the rest of them. I’m very happy to be out of stall rest.
I’m a 13-year-old alpaca. I have long bangs, and mom likes to braid it or do ponytails to make me look cute. I used to be jet black, but over the years now, I’m greying out a little.
I can be quirky, and I love making our guests laugh! I will surprise them by jumping 5 feet in the air over a small water stream or even just a puddle when we go hiking. Our new trails have a lot of small bridges, thankfully. I still like to show my weird skill and walk on my front knees while keeping my butt high. I also really like my sister Tina and my good friend Pearl. I like to show my love for them by jumping on them even if they don’t seem to appreciate my affection.
I’m quite chatty and will do a cute little excitement run on the way back from hikes because I know I’m about to get lots of tasty treats!
Paul’s daddy’s look alike. I like to think Paul got his good looks from me. I lost track of my age, but we think I’m around 13 years old. My best friend for life is Carlos. I have been with him all my life and if we get separated, I get very anxious. Mom says I will have to get used to it because Carlos got injured this winter and is still in rehab. He won’t be able to go hiking and visiting people with me this summer. I’m starting to get better at leaving without him now and getting a bit more independent.
I like to rock the mullet look, I think it makes me look tough and gives me more confidence… okay, maybe more attention too. Mom sometimes calls me “Schteeve” because my teeth grow like a bad weed, and we have to trim them every year. I bring lots of attention wherever I go and have my own fan group. I guess being “special” has its perks after all.
I’m a 6-year-old alpaca… or 7, who knows? I’m mommy’s special boy, always the first one to greet her and I would much rather hang out with her than with my friends. I love to greet people as they arrive on the farm, and I love to go for adventures. I get really sad if mom doesn’t pick me for events or hikes even if it’s my day off. I’ll try to sneak out of the pasture and join the hike anyways.
I love getting attention and cuddles but only on my neck and head, I don’t like when people touch my body, and it makes me real sassy. I’m good at teaching people our do’s and don’ts – I’ll kick or spit at them if they don’t respect my quirks.
I sometimes nibble on people’s ears; I think they love it. Swimming is my thing. I get very warm sometimes if it is really hot out, so mommy brings me swimming in the river to cool off, and it’s the best! If she doesn’t take me, I’ll typically go dip my legs in the nice clean water that we are supposed to drink from.
I’m an alpaca and turning 2 years old very soon. I’m Luna’s baby, but you could also call me Sophie’s baby. I got very lucky, and I had two moms. I think Luna was happy that Sophie took over because I was a handful. I’m extremely playful and I love to play with dogs just like my mom, Luna. I’m very friendly and I will usually greet people when they come in the pen. If you bend down and stick your nose out, I’ll come and boop it.
My human mom says that I was in a happy accident. We had some new friends come in that were supposed to be fixed, as the story goes. My daddy looked identical to Steve and they mixed them up at drop-off. For the longest time I didn’t know what being fixed meant… I now know the horror of it as I’ve had some body parts removed. Mom says I’m more pleasant and well behaved without those. Without that surgery, I’d have to be kept away from my moms and that would be even worse.
I know I’m the cutest because when I was born, I made the news. How cool is that!
Tina’s daughter. I’m almost 2 years old. I decided to make a great entrance and be born right when visitors were at the farm. I look just like my mommy and have a very similar personality, too. I’m very sweet and quiet although I really like to hum all the time since birth. Unlike Carlos I have a very dainty voice.
I like to follow my auntie Pearl everywhere and visit senior homes. I learned a lot from Pearl – I know how to lie down on command just like her, I stay relaxed in all kinds of settings, and I like to make myself at home wherever I go. I’m also very cuddly and like to tilt my head like a dog sometimes. People think it’s the cutest thing.
Just like Pearl I like to be the diva and sit pretty for pictures and get lots of treats and cuddles. Auntie Pearl is not a big fan of walking so that means I am not either.
Shamy – Dromedary Camel
I’m quite the personality. I absolutely love it when people come to visit me. I know they bring lots of treats with them, and food is my favourite thing of all time – if you can’t tell from my physique. I sometimes can’t help myself. I’ll be a bad boy and sneak into the feed room and eat full bags of food. Mommy knows when I’ve been a bad boy because I’ll tell on myself and growl at her since I’m ashamed.
People are always worried about me. They say my kind doesn’t belong in the cold. I’m not sure what they mean by “my kind”… I know I’m a horse. My mom calls me a Canadian camel because I absolutely hate the summer. Winter is my favourite season and when I’m the happiest. Mom is trying to teach me how to ride. She says I need the exercise because I’m overweight. I’m very entitled and dramatic. I think all I should do is eat and relax. Don’t let my friendliness fool you, I can be quite the handful since I know I’m the biggest animal here. I’m extremely smart – sometimes too smart for my own good. I will usually be a good boy for mom because I know how stubborn she is and she doesn’t let me win very often. I will try my best to make handling me difficult for everyone else until they prove themselves worthy of my good behaviour.
My second favourite thing in life is to get brushed! I will lie down and take a nap while mom grooms me. If I see anyone with a brush in their hand, I will run to them and growl at them if they dare to brush anyone other than me.
I’m a very playful, sassy, and funny guy. To see more of my personality, check out our TikTok account “llamazingadventures” where mom posts lots of videos of me and my other friends. Because of me we are almost at 100k followers! People just love me.
Bernie and Myrtle – Emus
Myrtle and Bernadette are 3-year-old female emus. At first, we thought Bernadette was Bernie… for that reason they probably won’t lay eggs. Their eggs are typically 10 times a chicken’s egg, so we were looking forward to that! When they were babies, Josée raised them in her house and had socks cut out as diapers/sweaters.
Toledo – Horse
I’m a thirteen-year-old Oldenburg. From what we know I had thirteen different homes before I ended up here. I had lots of issues. Mom spent lots of money on vet bills and a lot of time training me and trying to fix me. I injured her quite a few times because I like to buck like a rodeo horse. I’ve been with her for almost five years now, and I think we are finally making some progress.
I’ll never be the show jumper I was bred to be, but that’s okay. Mom will keep me and spoil me no matter what and bring me on small trail rides if I’m feeling good, or she lets me come along for an adventure when she rides her other horse, Star. I’m very loyal and will stay and follow her even if she lets me off leash! I love the freedom and galloping in the fields. I’m quite the playful boy and love to tease my friends all the time. I absolutely love to play in water. I will go swimming in the river or lie down in any of the big bodies of water I can find. I’m a very sweet but sensitive boy. This is the longest anyone has kept me, so i’m starting to finally let my big brick wall go down.
Star – Horse
I’m a twelve-year-old standardbred cross. I’m a little shy but I am very sweet. I have quite a lot of energy and I’m very quick. I am a mare so, of course, I can also be sassy. I was an only child for most of my life so you can only imagine the shock when I came here with all these other animals. It has been life changing, that’s for sure. When I first got here, I didn’t know how horse behaviour worked. I would let everyone bully me… how things have changed! I am now the leader of the herd.
Mom says I’m a bit of a weirdo because I’m not scared of walking on the side of the road with big transport trucks passing by, but if we’re in the woods I’ll be scared of a log. I will also behave really well if she brings me by myself. As soon as other horses are coming along on the ride, I pretend like I don’t know how to behave. I’m a bit of a drama queen sometimes but I think it keeps things interesting!
Jazz – Horse
Jazz is the newest member of llamazing adventures. He’s got the looks and he’s got the personality to match. He’s an 8 year old Arabian gelding. He is owned by our employee Isabel’s family. Her daughter is his riding partner. Anabel is loving learning the ropes with him. Jazz is blind in one eye from a past accident. You’ll often see him being very clumsy for that reason. He is a sweetheart, loves getting all the attention and is always the first one to greet us at the gate.
Heidi – Llama
Heidi, born in 2015. For her size she’s a very gentle and sweet llama. She loves to scratch her face on you and also loves her best friend Linda.
Larry – Llama
Larry – Llama
Doc – Horse
Doc – Horse
Doc, born in 1997. He was Josee’s first horse and has been with her for the past 14 years. He’s a gentle giant and loves just about everyone. He recently retired and now spends his day eating grass and making sure he gets all the attention. He was the one who started it all.
Reba – Dog
Reba – Dog
Doc, born in 1997. He was Josee’s first horse and has been with her for the past 14 years. He’s a gentle giant and loves just about everyone. He recently retired and now spends his day eating grass and making sure he gets all the attention. He was the one who started it all.
stay updated
Locations for the Walks
The Beach Walk: Meet us at the end of the “Rue Galmar” in Petit Cap, N.B
The River Walk, Family Walk, Winter Walk and Farm Visits: Meet us at the new farm location off of Butte-a-Napoleon Rd, Cap-Pele, N.B.
The Human Team
Josée Gautreau
Josee is the proud owner of Llama-zing Adventures, a business that combines her two lifelong passions: hiking and animals. She has been riding horses since she was 7 years old, and has plenty of experience with various other animals. For seven years, Josee worked as an assistant dog groomer before taking on additional roles like; teaching riding lessons, running summer camps with horses and even an internship at the zoo.
Josée Gautreau
Josee is the proud owner of Llama-zing Adventures, a business that combines her two lifelong passions: hiking and animals. She has been riding horses since she was 7 years old, and has plenty of experience with various other animals. For seven years, Josee worked as an assistant dog groomer before taking on additional roles like; teaching riding lessons, running summer camps with horses and even an internship at the zoo.
Before creating llama-zing adventures, josee would bring her 2 alpacas, Pearl and Luna for walks on the beach to help cool them off in the summer heat. After posting some videos on social media, she was inundated with requests from people wanting to come along on the next outing. This sparked her ambition of creating llama-zing adventures.
She started with a small hobby farm with 4 alpacas/llamas, 2 horses and 2 emus. Shortly after opening, she realised that she would need more animals and a bigger farm. Since march 2021, she has been diligently working on building her off grid farm from scratch. The farm consists of 120 acres with beautifull hiking trails by the river, for animals and guests to enjoy. Llama-zing adventures is also located a short 10 min drive to a beautifull beach where guests can join for a dreamy sunset beach walk with the llamas. She is passionate about educating people with her amazing animals while creating unique lifelong memories.
Monica Cormier
Manager / Tour Guide
Monica is a passionate horse enthusiast with 19 years of riding experience. She graduated from Oulton College and has been working as a vet assistant since 2016.
Monica Cormier
Monica is a passionate horse enthusiast with 19 years of riding experience. She graduated from Oulton College and has been working as a vet assistant since 2016. Monica has an exemplary work ethic, which led her to be the first employee hired at Llama-Zing Adventures when they opened in summer 2020. In addition to her duties at Llama-Zing Adventures, Monica is currently studying animal osteopathy. She takes pride in being able to share her knowledge with others who are interested in learning more about animals. Her dedication and commitment have made her an invaluable asset to the team.
Chelsea Aita
Tour Guide
Chelsea is a highly motivated and driven individual who has always been known for her strong work ethic and independent spirit. She has been working as a staff member at Llama-zing Adventures for two years, where she has quickly made a name for herself as a dedicated and reliable team member.
Chelsea Aita
Chelsea is a people person and has a great energy that she brings to her work every day. She has a talent for connecting with customers and making them feel welcome and comfortable. She enjoys going to the gym, hiking, and spending time with the animals, which is the perfect combination for a llama tour guide! She loves taking them out on hikes with customers.
Last year, Chelsea graduated high school and is now working toward getting her business degree. She is continuing her studies while working at Llama-zing Adventures. She is always looking for ways to improve her skills and take on new challenges.
Isabel LeBlanc
Tour Guide
Isabel is a remarkable individual whose life revolves around her deep love for animals and her dedication to helping children and youth.
Isabel LeBlanc
Isabel is a remarkable individual whose life revolves around her deep love for animals and her dedication to helping children and youth. Born with love for animals, she embarked on a journey that led her to become a child and youth care worker, a dog trainer and an enthusiastic advocate for all animals big and small.
Isabel’s passion for animals knows no bounds. She shares her home with 3 kids, 4 dogs, 2 cats and a conure parrot. The family also owns a horse names Jazz who is being kept on our farm. Her furry and feathered companions are not just pets, they are cherished members of her family.
One of Isabel’s defining qualities is her belief in the therapeutic power of animals. Having experienced the healing influence of animals in her own life, she decided to incorporate pet therapy in her professional practice. This decision was rooted in a personal journey of healing and self-discovery and she was determined to support others. Through her work she has witnessed the impact of animals on the emotional and psychological well-being of children and youth.
In addition to her professional endeavors, Isabel’s dedication extends to her community. She became involved in llamazing adventures during our first winter. As a volunteer, she contributed her time and expertise to create meaningful and memorable experiences for families.
Isabel’s sweet and positive nature, combined with her kind heart, undoubtedly makes her a cherished presence in our team.